::: archetypical :::

Sometimes you meet people that leave an indelible impression on your life. Or you meet someone who leaves you with a nasty taste in your mouth. Sometimes you meet someone who is so generic they're boring. Tell us about them here. At archetypical.
Monday, April 22, 2002
The Attention Whore

You've seen them. Prostituting themselves all across the social scene. "Look at me! Look at me!" They scream with their gaping mouths and their gaping self-confidence. They want to be noticed, these attention whores. And they'll do anything to be noticed. Fake an injury? Not beneath them. Imbibe too much liquor? Part of the repertoire. Scream over every conversation in the room? Quite normal. This whore isn't trolling for cash. Their currency is much harder to attain. Attention. And lots of it.

Without it they would shrivel up and die. They need YOU to know who THEY are . The attention whore's two word vocabulary consists of "me's" and "i's." I did this today. I did that so last year. Me. Me. Me. I. I. I. It gets quite repetitive.

I'm not talking about people who are just natural celebrities. Some people just seem to attract attention. That's a whole 'nother type. The stars. The spotlight shinees. The attention whore is something far less than a celebrity. They are the ones with the not quite perky enough breasts (figuratively speaking), the ones with the weak chins, the ones with the too large nose. The ones who can't quite make it. But dammit, do they try hard.

So make them creak. Make them groan. Ignore them. And snicker at the fun.

(attention whores are by no means gender specific)


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