::: archetypical :::

Sometimes you meet people that leave an indelible impression on your life. Or you meet someone who leaves you with a nasty taste in your mouth. Sometimes you meet someone who is so generic they're boring. Tell us about them here. At archetypical.
Friday, May 31, 2002
The Dieting Fitness Nut

I'm scared of these people. Scared. They put the fear of G-d in me. Maybe it's because they are so so SO difficult to understand. Or maybe because these people have a condition that's riding the border between eating disorder, extreme self-importance, and normal, everyday people. People so CLOSE to being like any other joe, yet so far away.

I don't understand how people can count grains of rice, just to make sure they don't go over their carb limit (the one that they set for between 2pm and 3:15pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays). I don't understand how people only eat boiled salmon and chicken, with no additional flavoring, and say,"Mmmm, this is REALLY good. I've been craving this all day." It weirds me out when people have daily food diaries with little ridiculous comments like,"ate 4 kernels of popcorn at movie theater... so bad, but so good." or "ate 5 twizzler pull-n-peel (cherry flavor)... must hit self when arrive at home to reduce possibility of future occurrence." Who are you and why do you do this to yourself?

There's no use in analyzing... I'll just sit back and wonder, as I nurse my Starbucks iced Caramel Frappaccino, extra caramel.


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